A new kind of partnership.
Which services we propose.
A brief description.
IT support is a very important and powerfull position in a business. It is also an heavy responsibility.
Choosing right, efficient, cost effective IT solutions for a new business, wishing to change from IT services provider for active small and medium companies or single self employed person can be challenging.
It's quite often that in these size of businesses all the IT services are managed by small IT support companies, sometimes a single person structure. This situation can lead to severe problem and/or blocking situation if a disagreement appear between the client and the IT support. In case of heavy conflict, business can be quite damaged in short and long term with unplanned important costs to regain control of his IT.
The main service we propose is to be the "middle person" between a client and its IT suppliers. A transparent monitoring/consulting team taking consideration of the common established IT rules and the needs of the client, with the purpose of independency for the client and a clear and complete IT situation for the IT support supplier.
We have no bounds with any computers, software companies or IT service suppliers. We work with total transparency, open book.
This role includes among others, the following services:
For new businesses or roll-out: Determining the needs, proposing different solutions with detailed advantage and disadvantage. Establishing scenarios for all aspect of the IT (punctual and recurrent), Foreseen the development of the IT in accordance with different level of financial results. Managing the budget, Analyzing the more suitable suppliers, Establishing the planning for installation, Quality control during project, follow-up, white-paper (reports), working procedure ...
Training the employee for the better use of IT resources. Training an internal employee as IT responsible.
Determining the opportunity of hiring of a local IT tech if more suitable than a service support from a company. Managing the recruitment in this case.
For existing businesses: Auditing existing IT in order to establish a report of the current quality of HW - SW. Test the security. Propose necessary and optional changes to restore or improve efficiency. Establish an informative white Book of the IT structure, to be used as reference among IT suppliers. Create working procedure for users...
Our IT philosophy rules our work you can read it here.